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About Us
South East European Music is here to present you with artists from the South East European countries. At the moment, the most popular medium is the vinyl, but you can also find a selection of CDs in our webshop. Various styles of music are here for you to explore.
The record companies which we represent in the UK are:
Blind Dog Records (Zagreb, Croatia)
Croatia Records (Zagreb, Croatia)
Dallas Records (Zagreb, Croatia)
Dancing Bear (Zagreb, Croatia)
Dirty Old Label (Zagreb, Croatia)
Discom (Belgrade, Serbia)
Dostava Zvuka (Zagreb, Croatia)
Geenger Records (Zagreb, Croatia)
Helidon (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Kopaton Records (Zagreb, Croatia)
Mast Produkcija (Zagreb, Croatia)
Menart (Zagreb, Croatia)
Moonlee Records (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
No Profit Recordings (Croatia)
PDV (Zagreb, Croatia)
Pop Depression (Belgrade, Serbia)
Šareni Dućan (Koprivnica, Croatia)
Feel free to contact us in case you are looking for a specific release from any of the record companies listed above. We will get it for you ASAP.
We are based in Cheltenham, UK and only shipping to UK addresses
Find the new soundtrack of your life!
Check out the special anniversary edition of
legendary Bijelo Dugme's album Bitanga i princeza
New 2024 mix from the original 24-channel tapes
Original artwork by Dragan S. Stefanović
Luxurious 440-gram tip-on gatefold cover
180-gram vinyl + download code WAV version of the album
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